Black screen when preview prototype

Hi Andrew,I’m also experiencing this black screen problem when trying to present or preview my work

Hey @abinye_wariso - I noticed your prototype works when I click “play” with the “Desktop - 1” frame selected. I also noticed you have an empty frame “Frame 19”. I think what’s happening is that your prototype is starting on “Frame 19” by default, and because it’s empty, you just see the prototype background (black) when playing the prototype. I’ve made a copy of your prototype with “Frame 19” deleted and it seems to work:

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Hey @Andrew_Chan, I’m experiencing the same issue with my prototype - viewers using my prototype link just get a black screen. It used to work and start at page ‘1/13’, but now it seems to start at page ‘0/13’, which doesn’t exist.

I’ve checked there are no loose layers / frames, and ensured everything is framed. Clicking ‘R’ for restart does bring it to the correct frame, and then subsequent tab refreshes (after pressing ‘R’) work as normal.

As it’s a portfolio link, I’ve added a password and also shortened the URL. Ps. Would be nice to have a Figma URL shortening feature!

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!

Your prototype link leads to a node that does not exist in the file (462:3078). You may have deleted a frame with this ID.

After the restart, the node ID in the link changes (986:1369). So you need to share a valid link.

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Thanks so much for looking into that and shedding light on the issue! I can’t remember changing anything recently but it is totally possible.

I fixed this issue

I use Figma for kali linux

I just downloaded figma-linux_0.11.3_linux_amd64.deb
From here

And then installed it