As a user in an organization i find myself using the side panel to “bookmark” documents and project quite a lot. while the feature to bookmark pages is awesome, it does get very cluttered an i wondered if there would be a “home page” or “landing page” for each user, how would it look like. i played with the idea a little and here is a mockup as i see the solution for it.
The current situation:
The current side panel allows only a certain amount of bookmarks to be seen before going into scroll mode.
It is very messy and does not help with getting around Figma and making it more personalized. as a platform that i spend 6-8 hours almost everyday, this kind of life-quality improvement seems very much in place.
The proposed version:
Adding a new “homepage” that will act as a landing page. instead of the current “recents” page which doesn’t always reflects the real need.
The features in this homepage will be:
- Recents feed at the top with ability to view all
- All bookmarked pages and project with big thumbnails
- On the right side, latest comments exposed as a feed
- An inner “tasks” feature
- List of users i usually interact with (by tagging, working on the same pages, etc…) and where are they currently “hanging out” in Figma.
Of course that this is my “wishful” thinking but i would basically love to have that kind of personalization and customization ability to the place i hang out in most of my working hours.
Thank you for listening!