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Currently, the inspect panel for view-only files only shows the variable name on assigned properties, not the actual value. Without any reference to the variables and their values, this makes it useless for devs that just need simple access for measurements. I understand the push for Dev Mode, but you should hide actual values behind a paywall. At the very least it should default to the value, or show the value alongside the variable.

Hey there! Thanks for your feedback, we will pass it along to our team for consideration.

Do not also forget to vote up your idea (next to the topic’s title) ⬆️

I did notice the values appear as a popover when the mouse is over the variable, but you still can’t copy the value. It should match how color variables are shown, with the variable name along with the actual value so either can be copied.

Additionally, an probably more important, the name of the collection for the variable MUST be displayed.

When a mode is applied to a layer, you can see that when inspecting, but if you select an item nested in a frame that has a mode applied, there is no indication on the properties panel which collection and mode the variable comes from, as the mode is only referenced on the frame that contains the items.

Collection and Mode are KEY attributes to display at any level where a variable is displayed
