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I was curious why our product, fresh out of dev and into QA, lacked accuracy for a number of interactions, transitions, etc.

It was only after walking in devs’ shoes for a minute that I realised they cannot actually see any detail if any of the interaction uses variables.

This is extent of what they see:

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 22.28.40

But they should be seeing these values:

Instead, my design team now has to manually document all interactions to ensure they are accurately reproduced. …or are we all just doing it wrong?

Hello @aaron_hoffmann, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

I checked on my side and I noticed that the appearance was exactly the same as the first screenshot you provided. Also, I came across a feedback report internally that was similar, therefore I have included this post to ensure it receives more attention.

We welcome any workaround from our community members regarding this. Moreover, if you agree with this idea, please demonstrate your support by voting.

Your votes are important to us as they indicate the level of interest from our community. So please don’t forget to vote!

Thank you once again for your valuable feedback.
