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Disable 'observe' mode

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I love being able to collaborate with my team, but when they are just on the file and not working, maybe just watching, it can feel incredibly intimidating, is there a feature to temporary remove the user either by choice or after a time out if they haven’t contributed.


The more interesting about that would be to know which user has been active recently like “active 23 days ago” by exemple


@matteogonzalez that is certainly an interesting thought.

I was thinking more about creating a space maybe incognito mode, or similar, to create a space for designers to flex creatively whilst not being watched. I personally don’t try crazy designs if I feel I’m being watched by others especially higher managers and sometimes to more crazy ideas are the better ones.


Likewise, we share Figma links with clients so they can review. It’s a horrible situation trying to design whilst a paying customer is watching you 🤣 😅


Yeah i totally understand i live the same in my agency
But i think i saw some related topics on “Share an idea”
Because we all hate to be supervised all the time by project manager


We seriously need the privacy mode. I’m having to go back and forth multiple files and now that the client has commented on the “production” file, Resolving those comments are just a major pain at this point. The obstruction is really a privacy issue.
Does everyone at Figma have someone over their shoulder looking at their work every second? Are they okay with this?

This is literally getting on my nerve!

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • August 17, 2023

Hi all,
Thank you for your feedback @Rebecca21 !
You are right @matteogonzalez, others in the community have requested something similar here: Disable 'observe' mode - #24 by benka . I merged your topic with this one, so we can have all the feedback in one place. 🙂


Often times I’m on projects where I want to show my WIP with my coworkers or stakeholders but I don’t want them to jump into my work constantly popping in and checking now that they have a link to my file. There’s also many cases where I need them to review and comment but I don’t want their comments to flood my actual working file because it creates a messy habit of changing my original design instead of allowing me to archive it and make updates to a copy of the original. My current solution is to either make a new page as the review page or duplicate working file and create a share out version of the file. There are times when collaboration is key in a Figma file and then there are times when you need to keep your working files clean of outside tampering. I’m not sure if creating a review mode or creating a more robust permissions settings would be the solution.


I also agree it is incredibly annoying to as a designer to have PMs, clients, ENG following you while you are in the midst of working.

As a workaround to this issue, you can create a new branch in your Figma file. Unless you share the link to the branch, you can work in privacy then merge your changes back to the main file when you are ready.

I am a Sketch user trialing Figma and considering it for use in our company. The inability to disable the collaboration feature makes Figma a no for us at this time. The collaboration feature is great for presenting or when soliciting feedback, but it hampers designers during ideation and feedback stages as the designer needs to deal with unsolicited feedback on ideas that may or may not make it in to the final draft.

This is so important. Can you please start hiding users from others when working on designs? I don’t want my teammates or boss hovering over my designs while I work on them.
I know many designers are suffering from that. Please implement this ASAP.

  • 2 replies
  • September 8, 2023

I would like to work in private please.

  • 1 reply
  • September 13, 2023

By default I think the Figma team should REALLY pay attention to this. It’s so irritating to see a PM looking over your shoulder and making suggestions as you design. I think by default no one should be able to follow you on the file. That should be enabled in review sessions similar to the TIMER in FigJam.

It contributes to micromanaging and it violates designers pri

I have to actively copy and paste the boards in my drafts so I know no one is watching it’s stupid.

Another example in case it helps:

  • Someone sends me a file to look over & provide feedback
  • I am looking over the file
  • They are WATCHING me look over the file, following my cursor around and chatting, “Hey if you have questions let me know! Here’s X, here’s Y, here’s Z” - really annoying and unhelpful because I’m often need to focus and digest first before starting a conversation
  • I don’t own the file so I can’t turn it into a draft

I definitely agree with others that this goes under the bucket of not having control over my own privacy as a user.

  • 2 replies
  • October 16, 2023

Blocking Figma on Little Snitch does the trick.


Now that’s a way around 🙂 Can you elaborate a bit? Any other issues when blocking Figma through Little Snitch?

  • 2 replies
  • October 17, 2023

You essentially block all outgoing and ongoing connections from Figma Helper using a firewall (Little Snitch or any other). When you’re done and want to upload the file, you can disable the rule. The only issues I’ve noticed so far are that you can’t use plugins, search, or open files without temporarily disabling the rule.

Completely disagree with you. No need to explain.


Like many users here I also see the need for some type of private mode. It is easy to be interrupted or questioned about designs that are WIP. I would love to use full-fledged Figma, while still appearing offline.


+1 to the thread. I want incognito mode for my cursor. I would love to be able to pause comments/notifications as well. I’ve had multiple occasions where other people are in my file while I’m working either watching what I’m doing or leaving comments on things that aren’t finished that are counterproductive to the process. I can’t duplicate the file or work in a draft because this happens after it has moved into a workable area, so doing so would create version control problems and the one time I tried to make a V2 file it did exactly that. I had devs in my V1 asking questions about dead UI. When I tried to control the links being shared it didn’t work.

I think that commenting and visibility is great but I should be able to adjust these settings on the fly. Having someone pop into my file at any time to spark up a convo or monitor what I’m doing is disruptive AF.

  • New Member
  • 6 replies
  • December 5, 2023

Yo! Are we invisible or can someone actually ‘hear’ us?


Agreed that this is a needed feature. For me especially when working on drafts for a new feature or a new flow, I’ll usually create a new page to isolate from the dev-ready screens. But anyone with the file link can still observe me drafting in that new page. I’d rather have the ability to hide myself while working, a toggle switch.

  • New Member
  • 4 replies
  • December 18, 2023

It’s wild that I have to maintain two separate identical files just to avoid the anxiety that clients popping in and out of my workspace induce.

Not to mention I have to toggle off the Multiplayer Cursors feature every single time I open a Figma file. I so rarely need to see anyone else’s cursors but 100% of the time it’s counterproductive to have my PMs cursors floating around my workspace. How has it been like this for this long?!

I should mention that I’m here writing this post because my client’s avatar is just disappearing and reappearing in my Figma file as we speak. It’s impossible to get any work done and I have to create a separate workspace yet again. They have every right to view the file but it’s not conducive to focusing on my work without thinking about them standing over my virtual shoulder.


So… It’s been approximately 2 years since all of these very valid arguments have been made for a disable observe mode feature. Is this being implemented, Figma? Just caught the devs watching me work (again).

This needs to stop.

Thank you.

  • 1 reply
  • January 8, 2024

I’m sorry. This STILL has not been addressed? Figma, please fix this, it’s really disturbing. I don’t get where you guys are coming from having this feature in the first place… We can easily “invite” people to follow us if WE want it. Why do you offer self-invitations? So strange. Honestly, fix this.


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