2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Reorder nested porperties
Hey Dmitry, thank you for raising this feature request. Could you give me more information on this? I am not sure if I am understanding first request correctly.
Also, I’ve merged the third one with a similar, so you can vote on the main page.
For example.
I have Icon Button with 5 different types and 3 sizes: Small, Medium and Large. And I use this Icon Button as a nested item inside some Bar, and I want to have an option to change icons, however size and type of Button must be forbidden to change and always be Ghost and Large.
Just add checkboxes like this
Got it! Thank you for explaining.
When can we expect such functionality? By implementation looks like not a difficult task.
When will this feature be added? You can use the approach that is used in published and non-published components, if there is a dot before the name, the element will not be inherited above, if it is difficult to implement with checkboxes
This would be a huge improvement to maintaining consistency and mitigating the risk of designers accidentally changing defined patterns and styles in published components.
PLLLEEEASSSEEEE this. please please.
Here is a real life example where this feature is missing. In the new interface, this has become critical. I can no longer see the most important thing because the nests cover everything. Please fix this.
Thought it’s A really old topic.
I think it’s the one thing Sketch is better then Figma. For years you can configure which properties are being inherited and which not in Sketch. In Figma it’s all or nothing approach. When designers apply abstraction, nested components, to keep things simple, as in not repetitive tasks, having finer control of properties is a must. Otherwise you can control the same settings on different levels and it clutters overwrite panel with, what we designers don’t like, noise!