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Why did the official delete my files?

My plan is starter. After upgrading to the new version, why did you delete my data without my knowledge? I need to recover all my historical files quikly!

Please get back to me immediately. 🙃

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue.

There are a few possible explanations:

  1. Drafts to Move folder: Have you checked the “Drafts to Move” folder? There was an update about how drafts work, meaning drafts should now be within a team rather than at the account-wide level. Please check if you haven’t already—details are here.

  2. Drafts in a specific team: If you have multiple teams, the files might be under a specific team’s Drafts folder. Please check those in case you missed them—details are here.

  3. Trash: Though it’s unlikely, if the files were deleted, they should be in the Trash folder. In that case, you can restore the files by following this article.

I hope this helps, but if you can’t locate your files, please reach out to our support team. Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account.

Thanks for your patience.

