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Driving me coconuts!

When I create a new frame, the frame will be automatically named “Frame 48095626” How do I reset the latter number to 0 or 1?

This happens when I create shapes, the layer will be called “Oval 109384” or “Rectangle 12341239”

I’ve tried checking and unchecking file>preferences> renaming duplicated layers.

There is no way to disable this behavior. You just need to bring your file back to order by removing all large numbers from all frames or other objects or renaming them to a sensible number. This plugin can help with the former:


The proposal to remove the large numbers from frame/shape names is not a proper solution for me. Even when removing all numbers from all pages using a plugin like ‘No Numbers’, as soon as I create another frame/shape a huge numbers is appended again.

I might be wrong, but I have the feeling this started when I copied the Timeline widget from FigJam into Figma.

This feels like a bug to me.

I hate the auto named number
