Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out! Is this a shared style? If so, you might need Edit access to make changes. Could you please confirm?
If it’s a local style, could you let me know the font family name? I’m wondering if it’s a variable font. If it’s a static font, you’ll need to replace it. You can find more information here:
Figma Learn - Help Center
If the problem persists, would you be able to share the file link with access to support-share@figma.com? It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.
Thank you for replying to my post on the community board. I am having 2 issues setting up variables in Figma.
No its not a shared style. I dont know why i put 700 and Figma wants to make it 900 instead. Hello, Toku,
Unfortunately if I set variable to font weight 700, Figma actually makes it 900 instead! Not sure if just a bug or anything else I can add.
File link: https://www.figma.com/design/9oK4pH24kK83AF4Ik7TxPp/figma-variable-font-issue?node-id=1-4&t=IxnGYTxkHhRHj8JD-1
Thank you,
Hi there,
Thanks for your patience! I’ve reviewed your file and tried to find the issue, but unfortunately, I couldn’t determine the cause. It might be a current limitation of the feature, but I’m not completely sure.
Could you please submit a bug report with the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following this link:
Figma Learn - Help Center
Thanks for your understanding!