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Is there a way to keep this Layers section always open? I notice it always closes after finish Find.

Hello @Phu_Nguyen, Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I haven’t been able to find a workaround for the behaivior you mentioned, however I noticed that in the previous UI, when the Find is closed, the expanded Layers stay expanded.

I’ll contact our internal team to inquire about this. I will provide an update once I have any new information.

Thank you once again for your input!

Hi there, unfortunately, there is currently no way to keep layers open.

However, this could be a great feature to request. Please consider posting your feature request here: Share an idea - Figma Community Forum.

Thank you!

I believe it is a bug, NOT A FEATURE. I cannot find any reason to collapse all layers after Find.

You should fix it instead of moving it into backlog or waiting for someone to request it as a feature.

Hi, I appreciate your input and we have taken your comment seriously. To improve the visibility of this post, I’ve submitted a report internally.

Thank you for sharing your perspective.
