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I am considering upgrading to the Pro Plan which I believe is around £14/mo but I am confused over the pricing.


I am only a home user but I would like to invite one other person to edit and create designs with me and also be able to share libraries across different projects.

Would I incur additional charges by inviting this other person with editing permissions and if so how much?

Hey @Ian-B, thank you for reaching out! I can understand that this might be a bit confusing, hope to give you more clarification on this.

To clarify a bit of context: subscriptions are tied to teams, not individual users. Your team is responsible for payment for all editors who have access to the team or your team files, regardless of whether that user belongs to another paid team or not — team billing happens independently from the other.

Billing on the Professional plan is per team, with each team being billed for all editors on the team including team files and projects even if they have an editor seat on another Professional team.

Additional editors invited to a file will be counted toward the monthly invoice and charged at £14/month after they start interacting with a Figma Design file as an editor or £5/month if they edit a FigJam file. This also applies to teams on annual plans once the amount of editors exceeds the amount of annual seats on the subscription.

Figma only checks the number of editors on the monthly billing date, which means you would not be billed for extra editors if you downgrade them before your billing date.

You can check who is billed from the “Members” tab of your team page. Set the “Design role” or “FigJam role” filter to “Editors” or “All” to see billed users. From there you can downgrade any editor to “Viewer - restricted” on the Design or FigJam to remove that user from billing. Note that a user who is both a Design and FigJam editor will create both a £14 and £5 charge.

Here’s a guide from our Help Center with more information on this: Manage team permissions

For more information, please check out these Help Center articles and let me know if you have any questions:

Please let me know if you have any further questions, happy to clear them for you!
