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Hi there,

I’ve encountered an issue where the font isn’t displayed correctly in certain prototypes. Specifically, in some cases, the font appears cropped in the preview. You can see this issue in the screenshot, where the letter “g” is not fully visible.

This is really frustrating, and I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem or could help me with a solution?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. Do you have any hidden frame near the texts? It looks strange, and would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.



Hi Toku,

Thanks for your reply.

There are no hidden frames near the texts. It’s strange because the issue seems to occur only with certain characters. Please see the attached screenshots showing the issue with the letter “O.”

In the design, everything looks fine, but in the prototype, the text gets cropped at the top and bottom.

Looking forward to your insights.

I’ve also noticed something else that might help pinpoint the issue. When I duplicate the text and place the copy near the original, it seems to affect how the cropping happens.

In the attached screenshots, you can see that when I had only one text, it was cropped at both the top and bottom. But now, after duplicating it, one text is cropped only at the top, while the other is cropped only at the bottom.

Thanks for sharing the details! I’m not still able to reproduce the issue, so would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further on our end to see if we can replicate it.



Hi Toku,

I’ve shared the file with and granted edit access. Is this the right way to do it, or should I use a different method?


Hi there,

Thanks for sharing the file! We were able to access it, but I still couldn’t replicate the issue. I’ll hand this over to our support team for further investigation. You’ll receive an email from them, and someone will follow up with you shortly.

Thanks for your patience!

