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I am working on a project with a team that is using Helvetica Neue. The team has sent the Helvetica files to me, though when I install it on my end it registers as HelveticaNeue. When I go into the figma design file it identifies font in the file and the font I have on my machine as two different fonts. The design file registers as Helvetica Neue(with a space) for the team and HelveticaNeue(no spaces) for my profile. I have tried renaming the files to match. Uninstalling and reinstalling the font. Tried on the browser and the desktop app, but no luck. Has anyone else experienced this? The team is all using macs, while I am on a windows device, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

I have a similar problem with mac and windows differences. Helvetica is a default font for mac computers and there’s no need to install it. My boss who works on a Windows computer needs to install the font. We ran into the same problem as you did.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m checking with our internal team. I will get back to you when I have anything I can share with you.

Thanks for your patience.


Indeed there are sometimes differences between macOS and Windows, especially with regards to fonts that come preinstalled with the OS.

One thing that’s worth understanding is that the name of the font is embedded within the font file itself. The name of the font file has no impact on the name of the actual font embedded within the file. That’s why renaming the file made no difference.

Helvetica Neue is a font provided by macOS. Likely the team that you are working with is using the macOS version of the font themselves, and licensed a copy of Helvetica Neue for you since you’re on Windows. Unfortunately, the version of Helvetica Neue they licensed has an embedded font name of HelveticaNeue, without a space.

The easiest solution here is probably to ask that team to use the same version of Helvetica Neue that they provided to you, versus the one that came with macOS.
