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Having work-in-progress fonts rendered in Indesign currently is very easy.

Export from Glyphsapp to the Adobe font folder and any use of the font instantly gets updated with the updated font.

Is there any chance to replicate a similar behavior for FIGMA?

Also, inserting non-encoded glyphs is a thing in Indesign … not in FIGMA.

Is there any way to pick glyphs from a list in a given font?

Its almost the same. On Mac export to /Users/username/Library/Fonts/, then on Figma right click the window tab → reload and select the text with the font. Be careful when working with clients, because it will mess up everyones text.

Thank’s Erik … works

one question this folder is not Figma specific

it does make the fonts for other apps available from there too I take it?

Yes, that’s the global font folder. If you work on a font you can specify the filename so you know which font is WIP.
