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First the file I was working on has vanished. I was thrown out of the file editor while editing(on a chrome tab open from several days). I am not able to find the file in my drafts or elesewhere.

No when I am trying to open the file link through my chrome history, Its saying “Request for access” for my own file.

Help solve this as I am in very big trouble with this file and contents are absolutely important and urgent.

Hi there,

Sorry to hear about the issue you’re facing. While I can’t say for certain, it’s possible that other editors may have changed your permissions. To get to the bottom of this, our support team will need to investigate. Could you please reach out to them directly with the file link you found in your browser history? You can contact them here:

Thanks for your patience!



I am also facing the same issue with my own Figma file, has there been any resolution to this? Would like some guidance.

Thank you.

I think it is case by case. Could you contact our support team at ?


