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I’m currently working on a flexible layout in Figma that not only leverages breakpoints but also adapts fluidly to the screen size. To achieve this, I’ve been experimenting with an auto-layout setup that includes wrapping, combined with min and max width and the “Breakpoints” plugin.

However, I’ve encountered a challenge: when there isn’t a clear breakpoint “jump,” some elements set to fill container tend to stretch and occupy entire rows, disrupting the layout.

I’ve included an example below to illustrate the issue. Have you ever come across this problem, and if so, do you have any suggestions or workarounds?

Thanks in advance for your help!

LINK OF THE EXAMPLE: CleanShot 2024-11-16 at 10.24.22 · CleanShot Cloud

Sorry but this is not a real solution. Imagine a fairly common case in which a 12-column grid is used and I want the left container to occupy 7 of those columns and the right column only 4. With a column free. By making one of the two columns fixed, the content would not scale proportionally together, but only one of the two columns would scale. In the same way, using a container frame without auto-layout with L+R constraints and an internal grid, allow me to scale the content proportionally, but going from desktop to mobile the content would not be wrapped and so I would have to reorder the two columns in the grid by hand. Which I would like to avoid.

it’s not a suggestion because it’s a copy/paste from chatgpt 😅

we are building a sad world
