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Hi, I’m creating a sliding carousel where the main item is larger and none blurred. I’ve designed 5 frames for the 5 items but I can’t get them to link up on prototype. All of the carousel items and collection of items are set to Auto Layout.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can get this to work?

Let me know if you need more info.

What interaction are you using? You can select the carousel and apply on drag interaction to it, navigate to next frame and use smart animate animation.

If you can share the link to file/ page that would be helpful.

Right now it won’t even let me link anything up. Here’s the link:


You have components and instances on the same frame.

Create a new page called Components. Move your components there.

Use their instances in your frames (copy component, paste in your frame) or add from Assets > Local Components

Checkout the file in this comment if it helps further.
