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I have an issue where I have a Frame with Auto Layout applied, featuring 20px padding on all sides. Within this frame, I have an email design. I’ve set the container frame to allow scrolling for the email, which works fine, but the bottom padding is being ignored.

Am I missing something?

Hey @Wayne3 – would you be able to share a quick screen recording (that includes both left and right panels) that shows the hierarchy of your design? Would be helpful to better visualize. Thanks!

I am having the same problem (v124.2.9). I have a frame with auto-layout vertical with 24px of padding at the bottom, width and height are set to Fill. The vertical scroll stops at last part of content with the 24px of bottom padding ignored so that the content is visually flush with the bottom of the scroll frame.

Hey @Michael_Mabale1 - can you provide a screen recording? Would be helpful to get a visual to understand better what you’re seeing.

bottom-padding-ignored-on-scroll-version-124-1-16.fig (55.1 KB)

I simplified it for your troubleshooting and exaggerated the bottom padding to illustrate the point. Also attached the .fig file. I am currently on version 124.3.1

Any update? A container with CSS overflow set to ‘scroll’ should also include the padding. The current workaround is to put an 0% opacity shim element in the scrollable frame.

I do not seem to have this problem anymore, it seem to have been fixed my end?

Still exists for me. Version 124.5.5

Do you think it could be a preferences or cache issue with Figma?

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