Example: In File A we have ~100 different icons each as its own component.
File A acts as asset library for other files like File B where all our other components (atoms, molecules, organisms) lay. File B is connected with File A as it consumes their icons.
Now we want to add all the icons as preferred values for multiple components in File B.
Therefore we use the “select all” option.
Issue: Whenever we add additional icons to our library we have to go through all the props in File B again to manually add these new icons as preferred value. That’s because the selection of preffered values is static and does not automatically include the whole folder with all its components added afterwards.
At the scale of a mature international design system I assume this would happen automatically to reduce our effort as design system administrators. By that it’s really difficult to keep the preffered values updated.
There already was this feature request which unfortunately got closed:
Preferred instance lists should dynamically update with published library updates)