Hey, have you tried Constrain to Top only for your frame (rather than top and bottom)… might work though I don’t know your settings and what’s available.
Running into the same problem. Quite frustrating, as I’m trying to create a mobile proto that subtly changes states as the user scrolls from one vertical section to the next.
Figma documentation states that “Preserve scroll position is not available for Slide , Push , or Move animations.” Source:
Figma Help Center
However this seems inaccurate; from the behavior I’m observing “Preserve scroll position” is defaulted to “on” with no way of turning it “off” – and we need the latter
I don’t know if there’s a feature request for this already but that’s my next stop after this reply – thanks for bringing this up @Yanis_Azze
Are the pages (layers) having the same name? If so have you tried giving them unique names?
Thanks for the suggestion @Klesus but unfortunately, yes, I did make sure to change the page names from one to the other, and I’m nonetheless still having this problem.
I’m experiencing this issue as well and I’m unable to find a way to “fix” it. I’m also having trouble reproducing it reliably. Is this intended behavior or a bug?
It is frustrating. So far the only solution that is working for me is:
- duplicating the frame you want to push/slide into
- From the first instance of a duplicated frame remove the scrollable parts, so the frame is restricted to just single screen hight.
- Connect the frames
[Frame 1] → push/slide-> ;frame 2 copy] → after delay, 1ms → sframe 2]
Not a perfect solution but works
Thank you Karolina! This helped me out TREMENDOUSLY — the animation is a bit janky, but the IxD is there. I wonder when/if Figma will enable to select whether OR NOT you want to preserve scroll position for for Slide , Push , or Move animations.
I am encountering the same issue. Hopefully, someone at Figma resolves this issue soon as it seems like something that should be such an obvious feature. Maybe coding issues with rolling it out.
Bump, still no solution for this which creates huge issues.
Yeah I’d need this too, still an issue.
Still an issue. Super frustrating.
Having the same problem. The workaround solution seems to work but this is a lot of work for something that should be easy / a given.
That works for me, thanks!!