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Resolved: Overrides not preserved when library is pushed

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  • 2 replies
  • January 20, 2022

I’m experiencing the same. This has reset all our work 🤦🏼‍♂️


You can try to jump back in version history or just cmd z. This worked for me and I hope I can sit this out until publishing works again 🫣


Same issue, I can’t work like this, I hope this will be fixed soon!

  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022

I’m in your team, guys 😅 Waiting for fix 🤯


Same here! Please, fix this bug!! 😭


I’m having the same issue. Not sure what’s happening, but it was working fine a couple days ago.

  • 2 replies
  • January 20, 2022

Same issue here – really annoying since I’m working on an important deadline

  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022

Same here! It resets all overrides, text, colors, icons…


I’ve just tested it, by creating a new library and file. It’s working fine. But if I use the library I was using before, it keeps reseting to the default state 😔
If I can’t fix it, I will need to create my whole library from scratch. Seems to have some kind of error or something that keeps breaking the instances. So frustrating!


Update: I’ve managed to revert both files (library and my working file) to yesterday’s version (through version history). Hopefully it’s working now, but I’ll have to redo what I’ve done this morning - but at least for now it seems to not be overriding my instances.


Same shit here! Thought it was our fault but it has no sense at all, our component structure is correct, checked it. @anon21722796 please check this issue asap.


Same issue!! I knew something strange was happening with Figma, I’ve been updating overrides in my projects all morning over and over again 🤯😩😥

I hope it get fixed soon 🙏



I’m experiencing a situation I’m not really sure how to explain since it feels so complex I can’t even find words for it. I wish there was a way I can get into a chat with Figma or somebody who can see directly what the issue might be… it feels… nightmarish.

My file setup is the following: I have a library file and a product file.
The library file is where all my components are and the product file contains all the flows our product has.

Today, I noticed something weird within my product file. Components were reset to their default state for no reason and I had not done anything to trigger that.

This presented me with 2 options:

  1. Use lots of hours to try and adjust reset states to custom states (we’re building a complex product)
  2. Replace Figma files with backup files from the day before where everything was working just fine (I download all files everyday as a backup for situations like this)

I started with option no. 1 but I could see that all components across the whole product were reset which would require perhaps a full day or two of manual mindless work. So I took option no. 2

I replaced my Figma files (product file and library file) with the backup files I have. At first, both files looked perfectly fine. But then I had to connect them together so the product file receives updates from the library file. When I attempted to do that, I saw that a library was missing and I had to replace it with the new (backup) file. I did that.

And then this is where weird things began happening.
Buttons text on the product file would be a different color even though it’s specified in the library. Whole product page designs would swap to other product page designs. Shadows would be missing etc etc etc.

And now I just have no clue how to fix this as it does not make any sense to me and the errors I’m getting do not have anything to do with logic.

PLEASE help!

Yes please 🙏

  • 2 replies
  • January 20, 2022

Great idea. Thanks, @Lea_Delazer1

  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022

Same here 👋

  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022

Same here…


I’m having the same issue.


Experiencing the exact same issue as everyone else. We can not work until it is fixed. 😭

  • Former Community Manager
  • 1019 replies
  • January 20, 2022

Hey everyone, we’re aware of this is issue, and are actively investigating. To help us figure out what might be causing this if you could share file access with our team that would be great.

To do this please give edit access to for both the library file and the subscribing file.


  • 3 replies
  • January 20, 2022

Josh I can give you access, but I think that this is a general issue, there’s a lot of users with the same problem.

  • Former Community Manager
  • 1019 replies
  • January 20, 2022

Yup we’re aware that it’s widespread but need some help tracking down the issue and getting more information. Give access to the files can help.

  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022


Do it yourself (simple)

  1. Library file - Create 2 button variants (active, default) - publish
  2. Subscribing file - pull the component, change the text
  3. Library file - increase the padding of both the variants - publish
  4. Subscribing file - pull updates - BOOOM - resets everything to all the instances.


Working for DHL, so I can´t give you guys any access to this.

But I can tell you this issue just killed the active release. I backrolled to an older version, but this made even more issues, by overwriting also other instances with the component content.

About 30 people can´t work right now …


In my case I have a library file with a set of components, if any of the component properties are changed and updates are pushed I get text values overrides reset in the file where that component is used.

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