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In our international corporation, we have one Figma org per country due to Figma’s inability to invoice us per region. We have one main Figma library in one of these orgs, and the other orgs manually republish this at intervals in their respective locations. When republishing locally, all (in-progress) files must be manually connected to the new library using Swap library.

Sometimes, assets in the main Figma library are renamed. For subscribing orgs, this means that when swapping libraries, these assets will not be updated. Rather, they are outdated (orphaned). Reason is (quoting Figma): “Matching is based on the style or component name only”.

The problem was previously described in this closed thread.

This is the only workaround I have found. It is extremely time consuming, as it (1) has to be done manually on all files across all territories and (2) requires extensive training:

From the perspective of the subscribing organisations

  • Download & publish the new library version

  • Use «swap library» on all in-progress Figma files that consume the library

    • Note the names of the assets that are reported “None found”

  • Go back to the new library

    • Rename the assets to match their previous names

    • Republish, but don’t close it

  • Go back to the in-progress files. For all:

    • Update to the latest library version

    • Again, swap library. The renamed assets should now be picked up.

  • Go back to the new library

    • Undo all the name changes

    • Republish

  • Go back to the in-progress files and update a final time

We have an enterprise license, basically handing Figma extra money for smoothing out issues we’re having since we’re global. Therefore, I’m hoping maybe a better solution exists. If it does I would be grateful to learn more.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Library Swap style and component matching issues

Hey Bjørn, thanks for your feedback!

This is already on our radar. I can’t guarantee this will be implemented nor share an ETA but it’s a point that we want to improve, and I’m happy to give it some more visibility! 🙂