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I would like a way to preview changes that have been made to component(s) before I publish the library.

Why this might be needed: I work with a team of designers. All of us can make changes to our component library. I would like to check and review all changes first before I publish the entire library.

Here’s how I picture it could work:

  1. In this dropdown, I click on “Publish library…”

  2. In the Publish library window, there is a way for me to click on each component to preview the change

  3. There is a window for me to preview the change side-by-side, and I can go back and see the next item (Note: This UI can be the same as the one used to review changes when there are updates to a library)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Preview of what changes have been made exactly to each component before publishing them

Hello Calvin, thank you for taking the time to create your feature request. I’ve merged this with a similar one from the community so we can gauge the overall interest under the same thread here: