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Will be great to have an option for default canvas stacking order for Auto Layout for each Design File.

We provide a lot of tooltips in our products.

And use Auto Layout in a lot of places.

One of the most common questions I get from my team is:

“How do I get tthis expanded thingy] to show on top of fthat other item visually below it]?”

With default Canvas stacking order as “Last on top” - every single time we apply Auto Layout, we’d need to remember to double-check stacking or, or manually update for every single Auto Layout.

As a design creation tool, I believe there is no single absolute right or wrong logic.

What can be good is the flexibility for users to customize the options that work for them.

A default option applied to each design file will help tremendously.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Change default canvas stacking in auto layout

Hey @Bing_Tay, thank you for sharing your feedback.

I completely understand how having the flexibility to set a default canvas stacking order for Auto Layout would be helpful.

I’ve merged your post with a similar one here: Change Default Canvas Stacking in Auto Layout, which has received quite a few votes.

Feel free to upvote the main post to help it gain more visibility. Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with!