This looks like a bug, I have the same behavior. And not only with After Delay, but all triggers. Send the bug report and link to the file to Figma support via the support request form or
As a workaround, you can always drag the prototyping connection to the necessary block manually instead of selecting this item from the list.
Ah nice one @Gleb, good workaround.
Yep definitely looks like a bug - I’ll submit a report.
аххахаха 🤣 Figma will make you smarter everyday.
I am having the same issue. In surprised that it’s been over a year since this was reported and it has not been fixed
I am having this issue. I’ve never had the problem before using frames and autolayout. I finally started using frames and autolayout, and now jump links are grayed out for me. How has this not been fixed when someone brought this up almost 2 years ago?!
Submitting a bug myself too, but that never seems to fix anything in time.
I may just put a random blank element over the frames to be able to jump down.