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i feel like i am going insane but i cannot find the solution to this. once i create a component i cannot undo this. i can only detach instances of a component

i already uninstalled all plugins and reproduced it in a new file. am i missing somthing glaring obvious?

Detach instance and delete the component.

so you are saying it is not possible to convert a component back?

Yes exactly.

I know how to detatch an instance. I wrote that in my first statement.

I feel your pain. This is such a simple function and yet they make it so amazingly complicated. I find the same nonsense with adding a simple border to an object. They have 400 ways to shade the color of a box, but not even 1 simple option for drawing a line around the box. I get the feeling the Figma designers don’t ever use their product.

I get it, I miss these options as well. I dont think they use it at all though.

There’s a plugin called Detach Master, if that’s what you mean?

Thank you so much.

Make a copy, detach it from the original, delete the original.

WOOOOOOWW! Thank yooou! <3

You are Goddess!!

Thanksss thankss lot of thankssssssssss

Thank you very much! 🙂

That’s a little bit insane. You can un-group a Group, anytime, but you cannot un-componentize a Component after it has existed for a while?

This is so stupid. Please make it an option in right click to undo a main component and revert it into a group or whatever it was previous to becoming a main component!

i wholeheartedly agree… i was stuck on this for a bit

In so much time i don’t felt this happiness

This is how I fixed it! Thanks!

Thank you for this.

I am using this Trick. Duplicate component deattach it and then delete main components

Please add a way to de-componentify a component! This is kills flow so hard!

Create an instance by duplicating then delete the master component after then detach the duplicated instance and you’re good to go.