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It would be nice to have an option to organize pages better in a design file.

Presently to add a new page, user needs to click on the “+” icon next to the pages label from the left bar. There are no inbuilt options to organize the pages.

In addition to the add new page option, it would be nice to have additional options such as “Add a page section heading” or add a “divider option” when users tap on the + icon.

Let’s say if someone wants to organize and keep all the version history of a design task in one file, right now they can do that by adding new pages and naming them v1, v2 etc.

By providing an option to enter heading on the page section, users can add titles such as v1, v2, under review, in progress, archives for better organization.

If there is an option to add subcategory under the headings that would be even better. For example. Archives (Main heading), sub heads- v1, v2.

Hello @Sree_Padikkal, Thanks for sharing your detailed thoughts with us and welcome to our community!

I’ve noticed that we’ve received similar feedback previously here. In order to keep all like-minded suggestions in one post, I’ll be combining your feedback with that thread. This helps us maintain a clear and organized overview of community ideas.

We’re so grateful for your involvement and dedication to helping us improve!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Organizing ‘Pages’ by Color and Parent Group