@Brad_Larson Did you get this resolved?
@Josh this was an issue with Brave Browser - might not to have that listed somewhere. Anyhoo - thanks for following up. This is now resolved.
What was the solution? I still can’t get Brave to identify that the Figma desktop app is available.
Here’s my issue: I want to go straight from Figma links to the Figma desktop app. (Their browser app is less performant, feature constrained.) Clicking Figma links only opens the web app, with no option to favor the desktop app. Opening the Figma menu has an option for “Get desktop app” even though I’ve already downloaded the app. The Figma preferences menu should have an option to Open in desktop app - it does not. None of these issues occur on Chrome, Safari.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Have a Figma project link
- Open the Figma link
- Browser opens the link in Brave
Expected result:
The Browser should open the link in the Figma desktop app
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.21.74 Chromium: 89.0.4389.72 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Additional Information:
MacOS Big Sur 11.1
@Erik_Peterson did you turn shields off for figma website - that was the solution for me.
I also had issues with the “Open in desktop app” functionality. This should be added in this support article. It’ll help a lot of Brave users.
Do you mind providing the specific steps to turn off shields in Brave? Is it just for Figma?
@Keven_Lupien click the Lion face in your url bar, and you’ll be able to disable the shields just for Figma. Hope this helps.
@Brad_Larson Yes!!! Thanks so much. I just started using Brave so I didn’t realize that was there. I was going into Preferences and poking around there. This is so much easier. Much appreciated.
Bingo. I keep forgetting about Brave’s aggressive blocking. Most of the time it is a blessing but especially in cases where the browser needs to communicate with another process, shields need to be down for features like this to work.
Once I toggled “Shields Down” all of my font issues with figma went away. Local, Google, it’s all there and working beautifully now.
I am using Safari, not Brave browser, but am having the same issues. Cannot select open in desktop app, do not get the option on invites, and no option in preferences. Is there an equivalent set of settings I need to adjust in Safari?