Hi, Figma newbie here 🙂 👋
So I’d like to ask about creating button as a master component, but still having some flexibility in terms of changing the call to action text.
At first I have this very generic button that I will use across all the pages:
- Default state: ‘BUTTON’ text on a black button
- Hover state: ‘BUTTON’ text on a grey button
– I managed to set this as a master component, and also apply the color change effect upon hovering.
Then, I’d like to use that button in other page (creating an instance), and by that means I need to adjust the call to action text accordingly.
- Default state: ‘SUBSCRIBE’ text on a black button (as per the master state; only the text change)
- Hover state - this is where I got stuck: the color change to grey upon hovering, but the text remains the same (‘BUTTON’). How to make the text change (to SUBSCRIBE) on this instance element?