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“Duplicating” pages across design files can only be done by copying and pasting. This loses comments and the ability to keep master components.

Although Figma has a “Move to Project” function, it also needs to have a “Copy to Design File” function.

Inspired by this forum thread:

Workflow Example

Our current workflow is like this:


Project > Design Files > Pages > layers.

ex. Movie App > Ideation > Home Page Layout Redesign V1 > Header/V1

We create a Design file within a project with the name “Ideation.”

In the Ideation design file, we create pages that contain diffferent ideations. Users vote on the best system.

The winning pages gets taken out to their dedicated design file, ex. Homepage, About, etc.

The issue here is step 3. The only solution right now is to manually copy and paste the Page Name and all the Frames over to the new location. Although Figma has a “Move to Project” function, it also needs to have a “Copy to Design File” function. By copying and pasting, we lose all the comments and master components don’t get moved over.

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