I’ve been trying to develop a plugin for this but it seems like as a newbie coder, even chatGPT couldn’t help me out lol.
I simply want to have a list of saved components in a floating panel. The Resource panel seems like a good one for the purpose (even though it has to stay on top of the canvas 😦 ), and it sort of have this functionality for Plugins and Widgets, but when it comes to components, it’s missing.
I would find very useful to have components that I am using a lot being permanently displayed in its own list. “Recents” does not do the trick for me so allowing users to select a few components they want in the saved list would be very useful.
I’ve made a quick mock up of what I am looking for. On the left is the existing Resources panel where you can search for any Local Components or libraries, by switching the filter drop at the top.
What I am proposing, on the right, is to have a “Saved” list too. So any component from any list would have its own “saved” tag and if active, would show up in the saved list. Components would have a star allowing the user to save/unsave any of them. They would all be displaying in a curated list, grouped by library, if multiple.