I have a shared library that houses a number of frequently used colors as well as separate design files that utilize them. I recently updated several of the color values; however, the components that reference these values still appear to be showing the old colors. Restarting my Wifi, computer, and Figma as well as closing, reopening, or even duplicating the file has no effect. The only thing that seems to fix it is clicking the color name in the Fill panel and clicking the color name (that is already selected). Obviously this solution isn’t scalable when you have a large amount of colors and components that need updating. Can anyone please suggest a way to ensure the latest colors are displayed throughout the file automatically without requiring manually updating each instance? Thanks in advance!
Color updates in library not reflected in components
Best answer by dvaliao
Can you please try the Action “Regenerate All Instances (slow)” to see if that helps?
You can use the keyboard shortcut to access Actions: Mac: ⌘ Command / or ⌘ Command P or Windows: Control + / or Control + P then type Regenerate All Instances in the search bar to apply the action.
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