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If I click on a prototype link, in prototype mode, it highlights a stronger blue colour. I then want to paste and replace (which to my mind should be CMD + SHFT + OPT + V) but instead use weird shortcut CMD + SHFT + R and...absolutely nothing happens… I can paste (CMD+V) but cannot paste to replace in Figma any way - is this a bug?

Hi ​@James_Garnham, thank you for reaching out! I understand how frustrating it must be when a shortcut doesn’t work as expected.

I came across a forum post that might help:

I was able to get it working using this approach. Could you take a look and let me know if this aligns with what you're trying to do? If not, I’d be happy to dive deeper to make sure I fully understand your issue and help you find a solution.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thank you! 

Hi, Yep I saw that approach but I’m working on a file with 100s of interactions that I need to quickly change, to be opening the interactions menu and doing that is a real sadness… I appreciate the response though. Surely CMD + SHFT + OPT + V as per copying and replacing an object with a paste in design mode should be in play here within Prototype mode…? Is there any reason you know of why this cannot/shouldn;t be the case?
