Tiff import error

I can’t import Tiff images into Figma desktop on Mac, As I understand it should be possible.

Are you trying to just drag and drop in to a design file?

I get the same import error with this method, but if you create a frame and add a .tiff image as the fill image then I have no issues importing.

Doesn´t seem to do anything :confused:

There is no mention of TIFF support.

It’s not a supported format. Convert your file to something else.

The TIFF file type is listed as supported in the link. How is it possible to get them to work?

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Hey Chris,
Please reach out directly to the support team and attach the .tiff image you’re trying to import here: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new This will help us to try to replicate it.
In the meantime, as a workaround, please try to import via Safari, or convert the .tiff image into a different format. Hope this helps!