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I want make some element in frame just creating it in place where i want to see it, and during work i also use AL, and i always have to make element somewhere, because of AL and than add it to place where it have to be, and after it compare sizing and other visiuals elements

Let me make element that already have absolute position by some shortcut, to quick add layer to layout without problems with override AL settings

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your idea! We greatly value your feedback, and we would like to gauge the reaction of other members in the community. We may consider it for future enhancements!



There is a lot of mouse traveling from frames to the properties panel to enable anything.

I managed to replace most of the auto-layout and resizing actions with Quick Commands plugin (something similar should absolutely be available natively in Figma) but ignore auto layout/absolute position is not one of them

This is definitely a must. Whenever I drag any element like a tooltip, it always positions in a different place and has to do lot of mouse travel to put that back in position.

Holding spacebar while dragging the element also is not helping anymore., Looking forward to have this implemented. 
