Both the trigger and cancel seem to be very delayed as soon as there are basically anything added to the root frame. As you can see in the example, it not really ‘packed’ with other stuff, but the performance is already unusable. “Real” UIs are even worse.
You can see how it goes from a great experience, to unusable with only a few added extra frames. These are set to ‘instant’, I.E no animations.
General document size seem to have no impact on this for me, only frame contents. I stopped using animations and transitions long time ago, due to low performance. However now even ‘instant’ seen to be way to slow for basic prototypes. I have a clean M1 Pro 32GB Sonoma machine with everything updated. I hope there is something I can fix. A Mac or Figma setting perhaps.
Thanks for flagging and sharing the file link, which was helpful for me to troubleshoot. I checked it on my Figma file, and I’m also seeing the same behavior as you. So, I am checking with our internal team if there’s any problem happening on our end. Once there’s any update, I will share as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience. Upon consulting with our internal team, we’ve identified that the root cause of the issue lies in the numerous styles (fills, strokes) set to the ‘Multiply’ blend mode. You might already be aware of this, but it’s important to note that this complexity is contributing to the delay. While I’m unsure if simplifying the design is feasible for you, a temporary and quicker solution would be to switch these styles to ‘Normal’ or ‘Pass Through’ blend modes. Rest assured, our product team is diligently working to enhance prototype performance to better accommodate these complexities in the future.