Hi! I want to make a webpage like a board or a map, with free scroll and zoom. And with internal and external links. Figma is perfect for this because there is an embed feature and I can stretch the iframe to the entire webpage, BUT…
For some reason, links aren’t clickable in the embed view. Any ideas why? This is a bug? Maybe there is some secret or hack how to make them clickable?
Normal view (open it without login) https://www.figma.com/file/f55qrU4L4NJSLdecEkTgzj/Embed-test?node-id=0%3A1 — links work good, but I can’t embed file like this
Embed view https://readymag.com/stepahin/1539834/ — links non-clickable
I don’t want to use Miro for this 😦