Interactive state doesn't reset after overlay is closed

Yes I know this topic has been raised before, but I would like to raise it again, since it is breaking the core interaction in my design system. Is Figma even aware of this issue? Since the last discussion about it is ~2years ago, and this issue still exists.


  • Create a Button component set with 2 variants: Default, On Press
  • Add interactions in the variant: “Default” → While pressing → Change to “On Press”
  • Insert an instance of the “Default” button into a new Frame
  • Add interactions to the button: On Click → Open overlay. Check the “Close when clicking outside” box.
  • Test the prototype


  • When you click the button, the button change to “On Press”, the overlay opens, but when clicking outside the overlay to close it, the button does not reset back to “Default”.

The button should reset to “Default”.