Horizontal and Vertical resizing new constrains bug

After the latest update, if I choose ‘Fixed’ width to a text, it automatically changes the height to ‘Fixed’. If I change back the height to ‘Hug’ it changes the width to ‘Fixed’. Is it a new constrain or a bug?


After the latest update, in auto-layout, if I choose ‘Fixed’ width to a text, it automatically changes the height to ‘Fixed’. If I change back the height to ‘Hug’ it changes the width to ‘Hug’. Is it a new constrain or a bug?

Hey @Marwa, sorry to hear you’re having trouble with constraints!

We just tried to replicate this bug, and choosing Fixed width for a text box does not automatically change the height to Fixed.

Are you still having this issue?

Hey @dvaliao, the issue seems to be fixed.
Thank you for following up.

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