I have an issue with text styles while working on the shared file (video below). Whenever I click on the text layer it change the size (resizing: auto-width) eg. height of the text box to me is 16 px, to other designers 19 px, and it also changes when I set different color to the text layer, or even activate the layer by clicking on it. It is impossible to set right auto frame properties that way.
We use: iOS, Figma desktop app,
Font: Wigrum
Anyone had a similar issue and managed to solve it or have an idea where is the source of this bug?
Thanks for help,
drive.google.comvideo explanation:
So the shown button was created by me (to me text box for H5 is 16px height). Then is was touched by the other designer (text box height is 19 px to her), this is why it is not aligned properly. Back from my perspective, when I activate the text layer comes back to 16px height and the button is aligned in the right way. But to the other person the text is too low then. The text layer is wrapped into the auto frame as the font has too much space below and it is not possible to align it right with the icon.