Dotted, dashed, etc underlines (text-decoration-style) support

One more vote for this!

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It’s a nightmare trying to support our inline link style right now. Currently must be manually placed and absolutely positioned if the text it’s apart of is inside of an auto-layout container.


+1! Desperately needed for editorial designs.


I also need it for a design system project. Please make it possible soon!

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We also need to change the underline thickness (you might need very fine lines or extremely thick ones for the same text size).


Is there perhaps a plugin to accomplish this?

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This feature would be very helpful

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Definitely would love to be able to use this feature, as well as offset stroke on underlines

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+1 on this please!

Underline options:

Colour, Gradient fill, Line thickness and Positioning!


Don’t want to use hacks and workarounds anymore…

+1 here! :pray:

that would be an awesome feature.

+1 here for underline styling!

If I create multiple typographic styles, I find it bothersome that I then have to create yet more styles to add very simple touches to them, such as underlines or line-throughs. I don’t believe I should have to create brand new styles just to simulate a simple link, nor should I have to break an existing style to achieve it.

Is there a way you can easily modify a style to have an underline but not break the link to the original pre-defined style?


+1 for underline parity with CSS!

Plus 1 for underline offset and underline css styling.

Still needed :slight_smile:

+1 to dotted underline support!

I think I may have found a workaround, at least for dotted or dashed underlines.

Here’s a demo file to just get a look:

Writing this all out was taking too long, so I made a video instead:

(sorry the audio quality isn’t great :cry:)


Pretty new Figma user here, coming from many years of designing mostly typographic designs in Indesign, I find Figma very limited. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect to be able to do all the “basic” styling that’s possible in CSS styling.
Underline thickness, offset, etc. These are definitely basic in my world.