its a bug - Figma are spending all their time building Slides for your grandma to use vs fixing the app to build products that everyone uses
Hi @Pav,
Thanks for reaching out! In a very large file, rendering can take some time, but missing layers is a bit unusual. Could you try these troubleshooting tips to reduce memory usage and see if it helps? You won’t need to rework everything from scratch, though it might require some effort.
Figma Learn - Help Center
If the issue persists, could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file: Our support team will look into it.
Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.
Hi @y_toku, thank you for the response.
I am still not on UI3, and regardless of that none of the issues apply. The file is huge, but it’s not insanely complex structures that are built.
We have other files that are much much bigger, and there’s never any problems with them, aside from the loading time.
I’ll reach out to the support team. Meanwhile, enjoy the slides for grandma thing!
Thanks for your reply. I do hope our support team will find the solution. Thanks - Toku