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Hi. I would like to offer a new user interface element that simplifies navigation in large Layouts. This is an auto generated(in alphabetic order) list of links linked to frames. This will work as anchor links on web-page.

When we want to go view certain block on a web-page whether we can scroll to it but it is inconvenient if a page is very long or immediately open page on some block as like localhost#footer where #footer is the target block.

On the Bootstrap website you can see the right sidebar “On this page”(on the right) with the navigation menu.

My version in the Figma:

On this screenshot only 3 links and if you think it is no actual see next screenshot(removed because i can’t embed more than one screenshot)!

Here you can see website pages in mobile, tablet and desktop variants total more than 40 screens here.

So I need a navigation menu for fast search specific screens like “orders – desktop” or “comments – mobile”. It saves a lot of time for me and others.

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