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I frequently share notes on designs with a group of developers without knowing which one will work on what I’ve designed. I’d love to be able to tag several in a comment via a “group” I’ve created within my team (eg- “@FrontendDevs”)

How are others handling this?

  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this

Would like to be able to group 5 people in a file to be able to tag them easily in a comment think @projectnamedevs. Then be able to create multiple groups

  1. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

Sorry on my mobile, but with in a file have the ability to group people so that if you make a comment you can easily tag a larger group instead of adding everyone individually

  1. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation

    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.

Would anyone working with a large team with different roles find this beneficial?

For a comment, sometimes we have to tag many users to get their attention to one aspect of the screen. It is not only time-consuming but very prone to error because sometimes we can forget to tag some users in that comment.

Personally, I have done this thing many times and it is not a pleasant experience.

A potential solution is to assign those say 20 users to a group and then tag that group in comments.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? How are you currently solving it?

I would like to be able to create a custom mention (@teamname), so a comment can be directed to multiple people without having to @ multiple individuals.

Similar to how you can a apply a handle for individual teams, it would make sense to apply a group handle and add to individuals to that group so you can tag them easily.

Our design systems team is comprised of 6 designers. I’d love to be able to tag the designers on my team by simply typing “@acresdesigners” in my comments.

I’d also like the rest of the designers in our organization to be able to tag our entire team when they find issues with our components.

Supporting the need for this feature.

Any word on making this feature (group tagging in a comment) a reality? My enterprise team really needs this!

This would be a very handy feature for us as well.

We work as a team where the person who has time picks up on the comments, would be great if we all could be tagged as a team. It happens a lot that the wrong person is tagged.

I fully support this feature.

We are two designers working on the DS team, and we are each week one of us is doing duty to support our team members, and then offering focus time to the other member of the DS team.

This feature would really streamline our workflow and avoid misunderstanding or infos lost.

I upvote this idea as well.

I’d like to cc a group in comments without having to type a whole bunch of names.

Would love this!

Yes please Figma. Please provide the ability for @mention of specific individuals within an organisation. Would love this for Branch review communication.

E.g. at DesignSystemAdmins, or at VisualDesigners etc.

Dan Silver

Please add the ability to group users into tag groups for comments! Agree with others in this thread that users can be left out if the wrong name is selected when tagging or have been forgotten to tag. Tag groups should really help in those instances.

Our team would also really benefit from a feature like this!

We would like to have the ability to tag a group of people instead of individuals so we can streamline reviews and speeding up support to the users of our libraries.

Often they tag one single person and keep waiting forever for a response as maybe that individual was on holidays or too busy to get back on time!

This would be incredibly useful, we often work on teams and need input from engineers or we want to get feedback from the broader Design team, there tends to be a lot of concurrent work on the go and when you want feedback or input, what you want to do is reach out to the team as opposed to a select member(s).

I think if there is a basic ‘groups’ concept then as an admin I can create a group, assign the users to that group or use SAML to do this directly from via our HR platform where we already have established groups and do this with product like Slack, Google, etc. Then these groups can me messaged directly notifying all members in that team.

I have been using Figma for nine months now and through a common desired need it looks like, i landed on this string. Has group commenting (with a single ‘@’) been added by chance?

Hey @Mike_Keller, thanks for following up here!

This has not been implemented yet, but thanks for the feedback. We’ll pass this onto our team for future consideration.

Is it in Figma’s roadmap for little big improvements?

I want that please

I also want please


We would also love this feature ! And what would be even more practical would be to have a designer view with only design-related comments, and a developer view with technical details. There could also be a view for POs if the feature was pushed. This would put all functional and technical specifications in the same place, without being overrun with comments.

This feature is very basic for large teams working on a product. Since the thread dates from 2021 seems no one at Figma shares this perspective or think is worth spending anytime on it.
