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I know this has been requested a handful of times but want to riase again.

I would love to see the ability to add sub folders within project files.

I work for a large organisation in which we have multiple teams and products. I work within the website team which has a whole bunch of delivery squads within in. We use the current project folders for each of our squads. The enables us to keep all the squads under one website team within the organisation structure. Having sub folders would be super beneficial.

Hi @Joey_Graham, thank you for raising this again and sharing how subfolders would benefit your workflow, it’s definitely a valuable insight. This is already on our radar, and I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with a similar request to help consolidate feedback and give it more visibility. You can follow the conversation, share additional thoughts and upvote it here: Create Folders/Categories/Tags for files.

Let me know if there’s anything else we can assist with!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Create Folders/Categories/Tags for files
