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This started a bit more than 2 weeks ago, and it’s been a real hamper in my team’s workflow. When I try and preview any prototype frame, it shows up as a square, cropping the prototype and forcing it to scroll, no matter how I try to resize, match aspect ratio, or adjust the zoom level. This is what it looks like.

We rely on screenrecordings of our prototypes to quickly share progress and get feedback on our designs, so this bug has basically crippled that capability for over half a month now. Has anyone else encountered this same problem, or knows a workaround?

@SingYu_Lam1 I ran a couple of generic prototype workflows using the iPhone 14 frame templates as a references, and the previews appeared normally on my end.

The image you linked seems to be a quick mockup of the behavior you’re seeing. Can you post the exact steps you took to get that result?

If that’s part of your actual design file, it may be an issue with something in the file. In that case, there would need to be more in-depth analysis.

I think you have selected a custom device in the prototype menu. The default custom device size is probably not helpful (I think it is like 500 x 500 px) You can set this to whatever device dimensions you need or set it to None.

Hey Mark, that’s exactly the case! I can’t believe that’s what was causing it, because I didn’t even know that this was an option that was available! I guess someone on my team had it set at some point and totally forgot about it, because we were all left wondering what the problem was. But I just went into the old file that we abandoned, and true enough, the custom size was set to 500x500px just like you said. I’ve since set it back to none, and it’s back to normal now! Thank you!
