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em không đo được khoảng cách giữa các phần tử ạ.

Hey @quann04, thanks for reaching out!

To measure distances between objects, even if they are nested within Frames, groups, or Components.

  1. Select the first object in the canvas.

  2. Hold down the modifier key:

  • Mac: ⌥ Option

  • Windows: Alt

  1. Hover over the second object.

  2. Figma will display a red line between the two objects, as well as horizontal and vertical measurements.

To measure distances between nested layers:

  1. Select the first object in the canvas.

  2. Hold down the modifier keys:

  • Mac: ⌘ Command ⌥ Option

  • Windows: Cotrol Alt

  1. Hover over the second object.

  2. Figma will display a red line between the two objects, as well as a measurement.
