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Is it just me or does Figma access suck. How do I delete this file.

Hey @Mirror, thank you for your honest feedback!

Anyone with can edit access to a fileā€™s parent project can delete, restore, or permanently delete the file.

Please check what permission you have on the file, youā€™ll need a ā€˜can editā€™ permission to have the rights to permanently delete the file.

You can find more information in our Help Center article: Delete and restore files

Please let me know if you have any further question.

Youā€™re missing the point, Iā€™m out of the program and the history of the program is recorded on my team. How do I delete it? I am the team creator of this

Hey @Mirror, apologies that Iā€™ve not understand this correctly!

I am double checking this with the team, but can you clarify what you mean by ā€œā€™Iā€™m out of the programā€? Are you referring to a team?

Iā€™ll get back to you once I receive a reply from the team.

Thank you for your patience!

Anyway, I now donā€™t know which team this deleted Untitled file belongs to. I canā€™t even recover it, how do I get it out of my ā€œDeletedā€

Thanks, itā€™s likely that you donā€™t have edit access to the file, being a team owner doesnā€™t give the permission to permanently delete the file.

This file will remain in the Deleted tab until restored or deleted permanently. If you can reach out to a user with edit access to the file, they may be able to permanently delete this.

I understand this isnā€™t ideal, but there isnā€™t another way to resolve this unfortunately. Please let me know how else I can help.

Thank you,

