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hola, de golpe se dejan de visualizar los componentes dentro de una section… no se visualizan en el frame, como que se ocultan pero siguen apareciendo en el panel izquierdo. Lo cual nos obliga a volver a otras versiones

Hi there,

Could you share a quick video clip showing your attempt to select the frames? (Please include the entire Figma window, with the properties and layers panels visible, and expand the relevant layers. Be sure to select any layers you’re having trouble with so we can review their settings.)

Since the components are visible in the left panel, this issue is often caused by layers being accidentally hidden or locked.

(In Figma, you can toggle individual layers or hide all child objects within a group or frame.)

Here’s a workaround:

  1. Hover over the layer, group, or frame in the Layers panel.

  2. Click the visibility icon (eye) to toggle the layer’s visibility off.

  3. When hidden, the eye icon will close, and the layer will appear greyed out in the Layers panel and disappear from the canvas.

  4. Click the visibility icon again to make the layer visible.

    More information on this in this article:

Figma Learn - Help Center

Additionally, check that the frame containing the components hasn’t been resized or cropped, as this could make them appear out of view.

Hope this helps!
