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I have a layer repeated 32 times throughout many pages and I need to rename it. When I search for the name I find it 32 times, but when I switch to Replace, it says there are no results.

Am I missing some step?

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. I understand it can be a bit confusing. The replace feature in “Find and Replace” is specifically for text. If you want to rename layers, the “Rename Layers” tool is useful.

You can access the Rename Layers modal in several different ways.

  1. Select the layers you want to rename from the canvas, or in the layers panel.

  2. To toggle the Rename Layers Modal you can then do one of the following:

  3. Right-click on the layers in the panel and choose Rename.

  4. Use the keyboard shortcuts:

    * Mac: Command ⌘ - R

    * Windows: Ctrl + R

  5. The Rename Layers Modal will open above the canvas:

Figma Learn - Help Center

I hope this helps!



But I have 32 layers distributed along many pages, how can I select them all at once? There’s no way I can select them one by one. And what’s the point of Find & Replace if I can’t use the results I found to replace? If it’s just for text, what’s the point of showing me 32 results of matching names if name can’t be changed from there?
